Press Shop
The first step in the production process is to prepare the raw steel that will be used to make our vehicles.
Sheet steel arrives in huge 45-tonne rolls before it is chopped and formed to make the individual components that will be welded together to make each car.
In a single shift, Burnaston will devour up to 5,000 metres, or around 300 tonnes, of steel building up to 750 vehicles a day. That’s one car every 66 seconds. No wonder steel needs to be delivered daily to keep Burnaston on its production schedule!
Weld Shop
In the Weld Shop, pressed panels are welded together to create a bodyshell.
Each bodyshell is given an identity tag that will remain with it right the way through the production process. Created by Toyota’s ordering system, this tag determines the car’s colour, engine specification and trim.
Paint Shop
When it comes to cleanliness, the Paint Shop leaves nothing to chance.
Maintaining a spotlessly clean, dust-free environment is critical to the quality and consistency of each car’s paint job.
Assembly Shop
The Assembly Shop is best described as the heart of the Toyota factory in Burnaston.
It is the part of the production line where in just three-and-a-half hours each painted bodyshell will become a fully functioning car.
Engine Plant
In 2017, a total of 337,516 fully assembled engines (including component sets) were produced for the Burnaston Auris & Auris Hybrid vehicles and exported to other Toyota plants.
Engines are produced through a process of Aluminium casting, Machining and Assembly before final inspection and despatch to vehicle plants.
Deeside currently exports engines and machine components to South Africa, Turkey, Brazil and Japan and were the first overseas plant to produce Toyota's class leading hybrid engines.
Plastic Shop
Described as a factory within a factory, the Plastics Shop is the place where everything from bumpers to instrument panels are made.
However, there is much more to this self-contained production facility than meets the eye; it also perfectly demonstrates Toyota’s environmental awareness with its zero waste to landfill approach.
Imagine being sent tens of thousands of pieces of mail a day.
That is what life is like for the team that keeps Burnaston running, because every single part brought into the factory comes through the logistics department and has to be delivered on time. It is one of the most complex and demanding supply chains in Britain.
Quality Assurance
At this point, each vehicle is almost at the end of its production journey
In a few hours it has been transformed from a sheet of bare metal to a high-quality car worthy of a five-year warranty. But there is still plenty of work to be done. Our completed car now faces its sternest test as it heads through the Quality Assurance department, where a team of skilled workers will put the car under the microscope one final time.

From the Burnaston factory, each car is delivered to the Toyota dealership.
Here it is put through a Pre-Delivery Inspection in advance of being handed over to its new owner.